Indevtech Blog

Indevtech has been serving the Honolulu area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Business

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Business

If you want your business to thrive, then you need to set goals that allow it to do so. Today, we want to explore a framework for goal setting that your business can benefit from: the SMART goal framework.

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Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

Technology is the Long-Term Fix for Operational Inefficiencies

For modern businesses, staying as efficient as possible is mandatory for optimal productivity. By eliminating inefficiencies, small businesses can stay competitive. One effective strategy is to streamline processes through implementing tools that fuel automation.

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Getting Your Staff to Take Responsibility Can Be Tough

Getting Your Staff to Take Responsibility Can Be Tough

When most people pick a job, they understand that the work they will be doing will often have them doing things that may occasionally make them feel frustrated. Most people don’t go to school for clerical work and mundane tasks and often don’t understand why it’s their responsibility to forgo their training to complete tasks that untrained people could do. This lack of understanding about running a secure and reliable business is a central sticking point for many organizations.

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How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

How Does Remote Work Fare in a Post-Pandemic World?

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners considered remote work a forbidden fruit. If employees got a taste, they would only want more of it. Nowadays, remote work is a bit more commonplace, no doubt as a result of the pandemic forcing most knowledge workers into some sort of remote work arrangement. How have companies adjusted to this new reality? Let’s look at the numbers.

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CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

Maintaining positive customer relationships is an extremely important consideration for every business. One of the best tools any business can use is the customer relationship management (CRM) platform. While most CRMs have similar features, some come with more advancements; and higher costs. Today, we will get into what type of CRM you should consider for each level of business.

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Power Up Your Business with These Three Technology Tools

Power Up Your Business with These Three Technology Tools

With business technology, your company can reap countless benefits, but at the same time, failing to implement the right tools—or worse, implementing the wrong tools altogether—can have devastating consequences. Today, we want to help you understand how you can make the best, most educated decisions regarding your business technology needs while avoiding investments in technology that won’t pay dividends.

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Use Google Docs Templates to Speed Up the Document Creation Process

Use Google Docs Templates to Speed Up the Document Creation Process

If you regularly use Google Docs, you may already be familiar with templates. They can be a quick and efficient way to create certain types of documents that you often use. With several prebuilt into Docs already, you might wonder if you can make your own, and it turns out you can!

Let’s discuss how you can use Google Docs templates and how to make your own. First, we’ll look at what types of elements you might need to implement for your templates, and then we’ll get into the details of how to do it!

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Up Against a Deadline? Technology Can Help

Up Against a Deadline? Technology Can Help

Business can often be stressful with all the things that need to be considered. One of the most stressful situations workers face is when they face timelines. Projects need to meet the needs of customers, payroll has to be done, in fact there are very few situations a business faces where they don’t face some type of deadline or timeline. In this blog, we describe how technology can help businesses address timeline challenges:

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Four Useful Productivity Tips for Mobile

Four Useful Productivity Tips for Mobile

The smartphone has become the go-to device for most people’s personal computing. With the aid of well-developed mobile applications, people are able to manage their digital lives, while also accessing resources that make managing all other aspects of their lives easier. Below are four tips to help you make the most of your smartphone.

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How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

Business continuity is a tricky beast, and one that is best fought with proactive and preventative measures. The reason for this is simple: any situation where your business’ data is put at risk could mean the end, and we are not catastrophizing when we say that. Let’s look at two issues that are only small problems at the surface level, but could snowball into serious problems.

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Keeping Out In Front of Your Technology Can Make a Big Difference

Keeping Out In Front of Your Technology Can Make a Big Difference

Technology is not only essential to the well being of your business, it is also an element of your business that you have complete control over. This is rare. To get the most out of your business’ technology, you will want to adhere to a proactive management strategy. In this blog, we will talk about why staying proactive on your technology management can save your business substantial money. 

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Streamline Your Sales Process with Technology

Streamline Your Sales Process with Technology

Businesses can harness the power of technology to streamline various aspects of their operations, including their sales processes. Let's explore several ways in which businesses can leverage technology to empower their sales teams and achieve greater efficiency.

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To Build Efficiency, Investing in IT Is a Good Strategy

To Build Efficiency, Investing in IT Is a Good Strategy

When it comes to running a business, it's not a single task but a web of interconnected responsibilities that collectively determine its efficiency. For smaller businesses, this web can feel even more intricate, demanding more from their limited workforce. This month, we want to shed light on the substantial impact that even modest technological investments can have on a business's operations.

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Get More out of Windows 11 with These Productivity Boosters

Get More out of Windows 11 with These Productivity Boosters

With the latest version of Windows, Windows 11, users can leverage all manner of great productivity-boosting features to take full advantage of the new technology at their fingertips. Let’s look at some of the features that users of Windows 11 can use to make better use of their time with the operating system.

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4 Common Collaboration Security Mistakes (and How to Address Them)

4 Common Collaboration Security Mistakes (and How to Address Them)

The right collaboration tools can be game-changing for business, but only if they are appropriately configured and integrated with intention into your infrastructure. Today, we are bringing you four common mistakes that businesses make with their collaboration tool security that could hold you back from getting the most from our solutions.

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Five Common Employee Complaints

Five Common Employee Complaints

There are challenges that go with running any business. Some of the most common come from unhappy employees. If you understand some of the most common complaints that today’s worker may make, you can proactively ward against them and create a happier and more productive workplace. Let’s take a look at five of the most common employee complaints in today’s workplace and what you can do about them.

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How You Delegate Tasks is Important for Productivity

How You Delegate Tasks is Important for Productivity

Delegation is something that you, as the leader of your organization, need to master in order to get the most efficiency out of yourself and your team. There are various ways to handle delegation, all with their strengths and flaws. We’re here today to help you figure out your own personal management style and how technology can help you carry it out.

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Do’s and Don'ts for Remote Access

Do’s and Don'ts for Remote Access

As remote access has enabled more and more people to work from home, a business’ security has become harder to reinforce. After all, while you can control the solutions you have protecting your business, you don’t have much control over the solutions that your employees have at home. Here, we’ve provided some of the best practices that you should reinforce when your team is working remotely.

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Understanding Procrastination: Breaking the Habit for the Long Term

Understanding Procrastination: Breaking the Habit for the Long Term

Lately, we’ve spent some time examining the phenomenon known as procrastination and where it comes from. To close the book on the subject, we wanted to go over how you and your team might be able to procrastinate less moving forward so that your business might get more done.

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Understanding Procrastination: Short-Term Solutions to Your Procrastination Problems

Understanding Procrastination: Short-Term Solutions to Your Procrastination Problems

For the past few weeks, we have been looking at the idea of procrastination and how it manifests in individuals to directly impact your business. Today, we want to take a closer look at how you can put a halt to procrastination in the short term, as well as how you can further these tactics to create real change over time. We’ll begin with the short-term solutions.

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Businesses are constantly seeking the best ways to utilize their data. Whether developing a business intelligence strategy, integrating artificial intelligence, or conducting simple analytics, having accurate and reliable data is crucial. Without it, insights can be misleading and costly. Therefore, understanding how to scrub or clean your data is essential. Clean data is vital for anyone involved in business intelligence or AI. Today, we will explore this topic and provide a simple guide to get you started.

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Pacific Guardian Center, Mauka Tower
737 Bishop Street, Suite 2070
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-3205

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